training equipment

What Training Equipment do I need and what are they all for?

This is a list of equipment that the swimmers will need to get the most out of their training throughout their PSC journey. Please note that not all squads will use all this equipment so before you go out and purchase kit, please check which equipment you will be needed further down this page.

Drinks Bottle - swimmers should bring a drinks bottle onto poolside at each training session, and
should drink small but frequent quantities throughout the session which is essential to prevent de-hydration. Water or diluted cordial drinks are best. Avoid fizzy drinks, which will bloat the stomach.

Kickboard – a board (usually foam) held to maintain buoyancy whilst isolating the legs to kick

Pull-Buoy – a flotation device held between legs whilst swimming. It keeps the legs afloat without having to kick, thus isolating and allocating the work to the arms. Can also be used as a less-buoyant and therefore more difficult to use kick-board

Flippers (Fins) – provides stability for the upper-body part of the stroke working best on short-rest repeats, drills and sprint sets

Snorkel (Swim Specific) - the snorkel can be used to improve just about anything you can think of in the water—from developing a more balanced stroke, to doing kick work that mimics proper body position, to doing sculling properly (and not with your head up).

Finger Paddles – similar to hand paddles but smaller and strapped to the fingers to correct and strengthen strokes, increasing sensory awareness for proper technique

Hand Paddles – specially designed plastic paddles which are strapped to the hands to increase the demands on the arm-strength/power needed to swim (available in junior/senior sizes)

Band – a rubber band device worn around the ankles to hold the legs together. Less buoyant than a pull-buoy it allocates the work to the arms whilst increasing resistance

Foam Roller - Foam rolling, or self-myofascial release (a fancy term for “massaging yourself”), is a proven way to decrease soreness, increase flexibility, and speed up recovery.

What equipment do I need for my squad?

Squad 7, 6 and Swim Fit - Fins, kick board and drinks bottle

Squad 5 - Fins, kick board, small pull-bouy and drinks bottle

Squad 4 - Fins, kick board, small pull-bouy, finger paddles, snorkel and drinks bottle

Squad 3 - Fins, kick board, small pull-bouy, finger paddles, snorkel and drinks bottle

Squad 2 - Fins, kick board, small pull-bouy, finger paddles, hand paddles, snorkel, Thera band and drinks bottle

Squad 1 - Fins, kick board, small pull boy, finger paddles, hand paddles, snorkel, Thera band, ankle band, sponge, skipping rope, drinks bottle

Where do I buy equipment from?

There are many online retailers that sell the equipment you will need for training. A quick internet search will provide lots of options so you can choose the best for you. If you have any questions regarding kit please speak to your coach. Don't forget to visit our club shop for club kit and accessories