The Lead Coach and Head Coach have agreed the criteria requirements for SENIOR DEVELOPMENT SQUAD.

 The Lead Coach will continually assess swimmers within this squad and monitor progress where appropriate.

 Attendance will be monitored and recorded and this will form part of any decision making process.


The squad is for competitive swimmers exiting the main squad pathway at Squad 3, 2 or 1. Swimmers will have race experience and possess the fundamental skills to follow competitive training sessions. Senior Development Squad programme is for swimmers aged 14-17 unless agreed by the Head Coach.


  • All swimmers must compete at the Club Championships and team galas if considered appropriate.
  • All swimmers must aim to attend a minimum of 1 water sessions out of 2 per week.
  • All swimmers should compete in team and open competition if selected unless agreed with the coach.
  • All swimmers must have some competitive skills such as being able to follow a competitive swimming session, swim all 4 strokes and be able to complete starts and turns.
  • All swimmers must have the ability to cope with training demands of the squad.
  • All swimmers must agree, sign and return the squad declaration form prior to starting in the Senior Development Squad
  • The Head Coach will have the final decision on all squad moves.

Equipment Required

Swimmers must bring all necessary equipment to training sessions (fins, small pull buoy, kickboard,  drinks bottle)

Coaching Team

Jerry Troll

Paul Bailey


The Lead Coach and Head Coach have agreed the criteria requirements for JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT SQUAD.

 The Lead Coach will continually assess swimmers within this squad and monitor progress where appropriate.

 Attendance will be monitored and recorded and this will form part of any decision making process.


The squad is for competitive swimmers exiting the main squad pathway at Squad 3, 4 or 5. Swimmers will have race experience and possess the fundamental skills to follow competitive training sessions. Junior Development Squad programme is for swimmers aged 9-13 unless agreed by the Head Coach.


  • All swimmers must compete at the Club Championships and team galas if considered appropriate.
  • All swimmers must aim to attend a minimum of 3 water sessions out of 4 per month.
  • All swimmers should compete in team and open competition if selected unless agreed with the coach.
  • All swimmers must have some competitive skills such as being able to follow a competitive swimming session, swim all 4 strokes and be able to complete starts and turns.
  • All swimmers must have the ability to cope with training demands of the squad.
  • All swimmers must agree, sign and return the squad declaration form prior to starting in the Junior Development Squad
  • The Head Coach will have the final decision on all squad moves.

Equipment Required

Swimmers must bring all necessary equipment to training sessions (fins, small pull buoy, kickboard,  drinks bottle)

Coaching Team

Sue Penrith

For a downloadable version of the Squad Criteria please click here